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Kitchen Fresh: Decorative New Zilo Diffuser Sticks Remove Odors Naturally

ZiloSmellkiller_RoomDiffuser_Blue_WhiteVase_300dpiFrieling introduces a new way to keep your kitchen and home fresh: Zilo Room Diffuser Sticks. Made in Germany using proprietary technology, they eliminate odors naturally, without the use of chemicals, sprays or electric current. Easy to use and eco-friendly, they also last a lifetime.

Zilo Room Diffuser Sticks are slender, decorative 10-inch sticks with small metal bands. The bands, which are made of a special high-grade stainless steel alloy with countless small grooves, can literally pull odors out of the air and neutralize them. When combined with air and water, this alloy causes odor molecules to disintegrate, so Zilo Room Diffuser Sticks serve as natural air fresheners when partially immersed in water.

These attractive Diffuser Sticks can be kept in a vase, by themselves or in a flower arrangement, or they can be placed in a flowerpot or planter. The sticks wick water upward, keeping the metal bands moist and fully activated. All they need is exposure to air and water to eliminate unwanted odors in just a few hours.

ZiloSmellkiller_RoomDiffuser_Blue_300dpiZilo Diffuser Sticks come in white, blue or black to enhance décor with visual appeal. They can be grouped to freshen a room of any size. Conveniently packaged together, a set of five covers 270 square feet. Because of their small size and compact design, it is easy to cover larger rooms with multiple sets.

The Zilo Diffuser Sticks have a suggested retail price of $34.95 for a set of five, and they are available for immediate shipment.

For more information, contact Frieling at 800.827.2582, visit, or visit booth #S1210 at the 2015 International Home & Housewares Show in March.