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New Cookbook/DVD Teaches Kids to Cook

YKC_cover_front_2D copyYou might hear it every evening around 5 o’clock: “Moooom? Daaaad? What’s for dinner?” Sound familiar?

Mealtime has been proven to be an important time of day for families – a time of day when we hopefully gather around the table, enjoy a healthy meal together, and catch up on the day. For more and more families, however, mealtime is a quick bite in the car on the way to practice, a greasy bag of food from a drive thru, something that only mom or dad takes care of, or even skipped altogether.

Barbara Brandt, M.Ed., wants us to bring it back to the kitchen and believes the whole family will benefit when the kids are in charge! In her new book, Your Kids: Cooking! A Recipe for Turning Ordinary Kids into Extraordinary Cooks (Pukka Publishing, June 2015) she introduces a fun, engaging, and hands-on cooking program for kids that prepares them for a lifetime of healthy eating. Way beyond your ordinary cookbook, Brandt takes kids through a step-by-step guide for turning fresh, wholesome ingredients into healthy and delicious meals the entire family can enjoy together. Included with her book is an instructional DVD that visual learners will love.

For more information, call Jennifer Tucker at 856.489.8654 ext. 303.