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Kudos Coaster Plus Reinvents Medal Displays

The Kudos Coaster Plus allows race finishers to encase and display a medal while using it as a coaster. The Kudos Coaster Plus combines form and function to securely fit most medal shapes and sizes.
Kudos Coaster Plus“I wanted to create a better way to store and feature the race medals I’ve collected over the years,” said Kudos Founder and President Ryan DeBoer. “I worked hard for and am proud of them, and my friends were just tossing them in shoeboxes where they sat unnoticed for years. The Kudos Coaster Plus allows people to showcase their medals in a functional and simple way.”
DeBoer began the entrepreneurial venture in 2012 by pouring clear epoxy resin into plastic molds to encase his race medals. Over the next six years and with additional research, analysis and product development, the Kudos Coaster Plus evolved into its current form.
More compact and less expensive than display cases or wall-mounted frames, the $20 product features a clear, removable acrylic top and a polyurethane base providing stability and grip. Colored Tru-Fit inserts allow users to pick a backdrop that complements their medal, and the inserts can be removed to accommodate medals of varying thicknesses.
Every year, millions of people around the world participate in races ranging from 5k runs to triathlons, and the Kudos Coaster Plus provides a new option for medal display. The product can also be used to display artwork, photos and other cherished keepsake items.
Kudos is a registered trademark of RLRD, LLC. The company helps people share, preserve and display their memorable accomplishments with pride. The company approaches old things in new ways by producing inexpensive, quality-built products that combine form and function.
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