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GAMUT Creates Seal of Approval for Adaptive Products

GAMUT Management, the leading consulting and talent management company with and for the population of people with disabilities has created a GAMUT Seal of Approval, a mark to signify authenticity and inclusion of PWDs in the development and marketing of adaptive products, including housewares.

The seal was created to reassure consumers that a stringent set of requirements developed by experts in the disability space have been met. The seal was created based on feedback from members of the population questioning the authenticity of brands entering into the adaptive space.

The announcement coincides with the 32nd anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, amplifying the significance of Disability Pride Month. Because people with disabilities are often left out of the consumer product conversation, they vehemently demand that brands are intentional and can demonstrate that they take a holistic and thorough approach to developing products for PWDs, with PWDs.

The GAMUT Seal of Approval process can be used to evaluate a wide variety of product categories, with an initial focus on clothing, footwear, accessories, jewelry, beauty and housewares. Companies can apply to earn the Seal for Adaptive products and will go through GAMUT’s rigorous process, which includes a third party evaluation from PWDs, academics, researchers, physical and occupational therapists, experts in the Adaptive space and designers.   

The first product that will earn the GAMUT Seal of Approval is an adidas adaptive backpack, which is slated to launch in 2023.

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